Email And Internet Workshop

The email and Internet workshop introduces you to the basics of email and the Internet. Learn how to create, save, open and delete email files, and how to access your important data. Also, get started with basic email communications and browsing the web.  In this course you will learn:

  • Understands the general structure of an email address
  • Interprets features of an inbox eg. owner, date, subject, size
  • Interprets features of a new message eg. To, Cc, Subject
  • Interprets features of a retrieved message eg. From, Date sent, Reply, Forward
  • Retrieves and replies to an email
  • Forwards an email
  • Sends an attachment with an email.
  • Understands purpose of a browser
  • Understands the general structure of a web address
  • Equates URL with web address
  • Uses prepared bookmarks
  • Uses and understands the features of a browser (back, forward, stop, search, refresh, history, home buttons, address bar, loading status)
  • Understands and uses key words in a simple search
  • Understands key features of a web page (links, site map, feedback, email)
  • Bookmarks a location
  • Uses and understands hyperlinks/navigation buttons
  • Chooses appropriate sites from a search
  • Interprets information from a website
  • Cites any electronic references to information used
  • Contributes to the creation of a basic web-page – text, graphics, hyperlinks
  • Determines whether information is current, accurate and reliable
  • Buying or selling stuff online.

Workshops are held in 2 sessions, 1 hour each session spread out over a 2 week period.

Cost: $20 per session.